

Website Policy

The following content outlines the terms and conditions for using this website operated by The Guesthouse CocoConne Fukuoka Nishijin (hereinafter referred to as "our guesthouse").

By using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms:

Copyright and Trademarks

The copyright of the content on this website (including images, text, and design) belongs to our guesthouse or third parties holding the copyright. Except for cases recognized by copyright law, you may not use the content of this website without obtaining our prior approval. Additionally, the name "CocoConne" is a registered trademark of our guesthouse.


Our guesthouse does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information posted on this website. We reserve the right to change the information or content on this site without notice. We are not responsible for any issues or damages arising from such changes. Our guesthouse shall not be liable for any troubles or damages incurred through the use of this website.

Privacy Protection

We may collect your personal information provided on this website for the purpose of providing services to you. Personal information includes but is not limited to your name, address, email address, phone number, gender, and date of birth—information that can identify you. The personal information entrusted to us by customers will be used for communication, business updates, and responding to inquiries via email or document transmission. We explicitly state the purpose of use when collecting personal information and do not use it for any other purposes.

We manage customer information appropriately and will not disclose personal information to third parties unless one of the following conditions applies:

  • - With the customer's consent

  • - When disclosing to contractors entrusted by us to perform requested services

  • - When disclosure is necessary according to the law


If you intend to link to this website, please contact our guesthouse in advance. We reserve the right to refuse links in some cases. Unless there is a specific reason, please link to the top page of this site.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations, and Review

Our guesthouse complies with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to the personal information we hold. We periodically review and strive to improve the content of this policy. Access to this site is at the discretion of the user, and users are responsible for their use of this website.


  • CocoConne Fukuoka Nishijin Main Building ・ Annex

  • cococonne.guest@gmail.com